By Annie Keller
Published November 23, 2020
It’s estimated that 74% of medical data are related to imaging, and the number keeps growing. Because of this, various solutions for radiologists to manage the data have been popping up. This is underscored by how important medical imaging has been in dealing with COVID-19.
Microsoft launched its own medical imaging server October 28. In addition to storing imaging data, it can combine clinical health information with the images.
Ambra has also launched a remote cloud-based diagnostic image viewer. It can be accessed from any web browser and can be customized with a variety of keyboard shortcuts to make viewing easier on the user.
Other groups are finding ways to utilize artificial intelligence for interpreting medical images. For example, a recent article published in Radiology (Deep Learning for Detecting Cerebral Aneurysms with CT Angiography by Jiehua Yanget al) describes an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm that can rapidly detect cerebral aneurysms on CT angiography. Over half of all cerebral aneurysms are fatal, and rapid detection could potentially save many lives. The algorithm detected 97% of aneurysms on the scans, and more importantly noted eight aneurysms that radiologists missed.
A growing demand for radiologists has put medical imaging technology into the spotlight for innovators. Anyone who is interested in medical innovation would be wise to pay close attention to this field.