November continues to be a busy month with respect to both awareness of particular diseases and groups, and meetings. Catch up here with the latest happenings, and get excited for our December Issue of Innovation Express.
EHRs may present barriers to health equity research for deaf patients
A paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association noted that EHRs often misclassify American Sign Language as an “other” language, leading to data quality issues.
By Kat Jercich November 09, 2021
A perspective paper published this week in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association outlined barriers to health equity research serving deaf and hard-of-hearing patients, and how EHRs may be making such barriers worse.
Although EHR systems can be useful when it comes to identifying health inequities, researchers noted that they may also be interfering with efforts to improve health outcomes among deaf and hard-of-hearing American Sign Language (ASL) users.
“Due to communication barriers and discrimination, DHH ASL-users experience deleterious social determinants of health and a myriad of health inequities when compared to non-DHH English-speaking patients including poorer health literacy, worse preventive screening outcomes, and higher rates of substance use,”
explained researchers.
Read the JAMIA article here (may be a paywall): https://academic.oup.com/jamia/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/jamia/ocab239/6422477?redirectedFrom=fulltext
RxParadigm Partners with Scipher Medicine® to Support Medication Utilization, Improve Patient Outcomes, and Lower Costs for Rheumatoid Arthritis Care
WALTHAM, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Scipher Medicine, a precision immunology company matching patients with their most effective medication therapies, today announced a partnership with RxParadigm, a pharmacy benefit manager company delivering transparency and restoring competitiveness to healthcare systems, to offer RxParadigm customers access to PrismRA. PrismRA is the only molecular signature blood test available in the U.S. that informs personalized treatment decisions for patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

“PrismRA is an innovative blood test demonstrating clinical excellence that allows physicians to transparently prescribe therapy guided on best outcomes. We are committed to bringing change into the healthcare system to create better drug utilization, improve patient outcomes, and encourage value-based pricing for fair access to reduce the cost of prescription drugs for Americans.”
Mesfin Tegenu, founder and CEO of RxParadigm.

“Our partnership with RxParadigm is another step forward in our mission to help patients and solve one of healthcare’s biggest challenges. PrismRA empowers pharmacy benefit managers to guide and optimize drug utilization, which improves patient outcomes and lowers costs.”
Alif Saleh, Chief Executive Officer of Scipher Medicine.
Read the full press release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20211115005517/en/RxParadigm-Partners-with-Scipher-Medicine%C2%AE-to-Support-Medication-Utilization-Improve-Patient-Outcomes-and-Lower-Costs-for-Rheumatoid-Arthritis-Care
City of Greendale, Cincinnati Bell Partner to Offer Fiber to 100 Percent of Consumer, Business Locations
GREENDALE, Ind.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The City of Greendale approved a partnership with Cincinnati Bell Inc. on Wednesday, Nov. 10, that will result in the development of a one gigabit high-speed broadband fiber network available to every address in the city. This robust fiber network will be deployed over the next 24 months.

“Internet connectivity is mission-critical to access jobs, educational opportunities, and health-care resources. We are excited about this partnership with the City of Greendale, and appreciate the City’s leadership in support of digital equity and equal access to high-speed broadband Internet.”
Tom Simpson, Chief Operating Officer of Cincinnati Bell.
The partnership with the City of Greendale furthers the company’s goal to find creative solutions toward providing high-quality fiber connections to all, particularly with respect to those who are unserved and under-served. Access to reliable high-speed Internet is essential for residents and businesses to address work-from-home, virtual learning, and telehealth activities.
Read the full press release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20211111006001/en/City-of-Greendale-Cincinnati-Bell-Partner-to-Offer-Fiber-to-100-Percent-of-Consumer-Business-Locations
Destigmatizing Male Participation in Family Planning
DKT International Partners with World Vasectomy Day in Cross Country Road Trip Culminating in 24-Hour NYC Celebration.
WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–DKT International, one of the world’s leading providers of contraceptives, family planning, and safe abortion, is proud to continue its support of World Vasectomy Day (WVD) for their 9th annual vasectomy day on November 19th, 2021, with events to take place throughout November. For World Vasectomy Day’s annual event, a 24-foot DKT and WVD trailer is taking a road trip across the country, beginning in Iowa, and ending in New York City on November 17th. The program includes virtual reality vasectomy conversations with men receiving vasectomies around the world, and live Q&A to help educate the public on male involvement in family planning.

“World Vasectomy Day is an incredibly important movement to encourage and educate all demographics on an often-overlooked form of family planning. At DKT, we aim to increase awareness of sexual health and contraceptive options and believe in the importance of encouraging all individuals, including men, to share in reproductive responsibilities and become an active part of the conversation.”
Chris Purdy, CEO of DKT International.
Other countries are mobilizing World Vasectomy Day by encouraging men’s participation in family planning as well. DKT’s country program in Mexico has a goal of completing 200 vasectomies by Dr. Eloisa González from November 13th to 18th. DKT Mexico is also encouraging engagement with WVD on social media through November 20th with a contest of which the winner will receive a free vasectomy from top professionals.
See the full press release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20211112005785/en/Destigmatizing-Male-Participation-in-Family-Planning-DKT-International-Partners-with-World-Vasectomy-Day-in-Cross-Country-Road-Trip-Culminating-in-24-Hour-NYC-Celebration
Health Considerations for Young Women Living with Diabetes According to Maria Sophocles, M.D.
PRINCETON, N.J.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In recognition of National Diabetes Month, Maria Sophocles, MD, FACOG, NCMP, Gynecologist & Medical Director of Women’s Healthcare of Princeton, sheds light on important aspects of health for young women living with and managing their diabetes. In the United States alone, approximately 16.2 million women suffer from diabetes and are at an increased risk for uncomfortable vaginal health symptoms, sexual and reproductive health difficulties, such as vaginal dryness and pain with sex, yeast and bacterial imbalances, and complications with conception and pregnancy.
Read some of Dr. Sophocles’ recommendations for young women living with diabetes: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20211110006093/en/Health-Considerations-for-Young-Women-Living-with-Diabetes-According-to-Maria-Sophocles-M.D.
More inclusive health research could help boost women’s health Focusing on sex and gender differences could improve quality of care
said experts at Northwell Health’s Raise Health Forum.
Sex and gender are key factors in healthcare, and the industry must take steps to address women’s specific needs to improve their health, said experts on a virtual panel discussion at Northwell Health’s Raise Health Forum. One important aspect is ensuring women are represented in clinical trials, since sex can have an effect on variables like drug dosage or side effects.

“We know that one-size-fits-all, unisex research doesn’t address the health needs of women and men. And, in fact, it’s less rigorous by definition, because it definitely is biased from the outset. So now that we know that every single cell in your body has a sex – it’s either XX or XY. We know that’s important to consider in the preclinical space as we translate into the clinical space.”
Dr. Janine Clayton, director of the Office of Research on Women’s Health at the National Institutes of Health. Picture at left from https://orwh.od.nih.gov/about/director/bio
Looking to the future of women’s health in the U.S., Clayton said sex and gender should be considered from the beginning, not as an afterthought.
Read the full article here: https://www.mobihealthnews.com/news/more-inclusive-health-research-could-help-boost-womens-health-future
This week, we focus on actively recruiting trials with a focus on Native American Indians and Alaskan natives, in honor of American Indian History Month.
Southwest Hub for American Indian Youth Suicide Prevention Research
The overall goal of the research component of the National Institute of Mental Health funded Southwest Hub for American Indian Youth Suicide Prevention Research is to identify effective, feasible and sustainable interventions to prevent suicide and promote resilience among American Indian (AI) youth.
Location: Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health, Arizona, United States. Whiteriver, Arizona, United States, 85941
Contacts: Mary Cwik, PhD 443-287-5171 mcwik1@jhu.edu Victoria O’Keefe, PhD 410-955-9849 vokeefe3@jhu.edu
For full details: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03543865?term=american+indian&draw=1&rank=3
Suicide in Urban Natives: Detection and Networks to Combat Events (SUNDANCE)
This study compares the effectiveness of a program to detect and manage suicide risk among American-Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth. Half of the participants will receive caring text messages to reduce suicidal thoughts, attempts, and hospitalizations and to increase engagement, social connectedness, and resilience in at-risk youth. The other half will receive usual care that does not include the caring text messages.
Location: First Nations Community HealthSource, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States. 87108
Contacts: Nichole Tsosie, MPH 505-262-2481 nichole.tsosie@fnch.org Linda Son Stone, PhD 505-262-2481 linda.son-stone@fnch.org
Sponsors and Collaborators: University of Colorado, Denver; Washington State University; University of New Mexico; National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
For full details: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03136094?term=american+indian&draw=6&rank=43
Preventing HIV Among Native Americans Through the Treatment PTSD & Substance Use
Investigators will conduct a two-arm, comparative effectiveness randomized controlled trial of two culturally adapted, empirically based programs (EBP) – Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) vs. Motivational Interviewing with Skills Training (MIST) in terms of lowering HIV sexual-risk behaviors (HSB) for American Indian / Alaska Native (AIAN) men and women.
Locations: University of Washington School of Social Work, Seattle, Washington, United States, 98105
Contacts: Rebeca A Marín, PhD 206-685-4927 rmarin@uw.edu Cynthia R Pearson, PhD 206-330-1997 pearsonc@uw.edu
Sponsors and Collaborators: University of Washington, National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)
For full details: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03112369?term=american+indian&draw=7&rank=54
Immunogenicity of H. Influenzae Type b PRP-OMP Vaccines in American Indian and Alaska Native Children (the HibVax Study)
The main goal of this study is to compare the Haemophilus influenzae type b antibody response in American Indian / Alaska Native (AI/AN) infants to two licensed vaccines: Vaxelis and PedvaxHIB.
Location: Chinle Center for American Indian Health, Chinle, Arizona, United States, 86503 Contact: Mary Thomas 928-674-5051
Location: Whiteriver Center for American Indian Health, Whiteriver, Arizona, United States, 85491. Contact: Tally Jones 928-338-5215
Location: Gallup Center for American Indian Health, Gallup, New Mexico, United States, 87301 Contact: Carol Tso 505-722-6865
Location: Shiprock Center for American Indian Health , Shiprock, New Mexico, United States, 87420 Contact: Megan Gardner 505-368-4030
Sponsors and Collaborators: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.
For full details: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04978818?term=american+indian&draw=1&rank=6
Reducing Diabetes Risk Factors in American Indian Children: Tribal Turning Point (TTP)
The objectives of this study are to rigorously evaluate the effect of Tribal Turning Point (TTP) on diabetes risk factors in Native youth.
Location: Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, Colorado, United States, 80045
Contact: Katherine A Sauder, PhD
Sponsors and Collaborators: National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
For full details: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03573856?term=american+indian&draw=3&rank=29
Native American Diabetes Project
Diabetes in the American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) population is a public health crisis that is best addressed using a holistic approach.
For full details: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05088616?term=american+indian&draw=5&rank=38
We Are Here Now: a Multi-level, Multicomponent Sexual and Reproductive Health Intervention for American Indian Youth (NE)
N/E is a community-based participatory research (CBPR) multi-level, multi-component sexual and reproductive health (SRH) intervention, constructed on Ecological Systems Theory.
Location: Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, United States, 59715. Contacts: Elizabeth Rink, PhD 406-994-3833 elizabeth.rink@montana.edu Marissa Cheplick, MPH 406-994-6890 marissa.cheplick@montana.edu
Location: Fort PeckCommunity College, Poplar, Montana, United States, 59255. Contact: Paula Brien-FireMoon, MA 406-768-7653 PFiremoon@fpcc.edu
Sponsors and Collaborators: Montana State University. Florida International University. Northern Arizona University
For full details: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03694418?term=american+indian&draw=2&rank=15
Protecting Our Future Generation: Promotion of Protective Sexual Health Practices Among Native American Youth and Young Adults Through an Assets-based Self-care Intervention
The aim of this research protocol is to test the efficacy of a self-care intervention through a randomized controlled trial (RCT), for increasing protective sexual health behaviors among youth in the participating Native American community.
Location: Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health, Whiteriver, Arizona, United States, 85941
Contacts: Lauren Tingey, PhD 410-955-6931 ltingey1@jhu.edu Rachel Chambers, MPH 4109559631 rstrom3@jhu.edu
For full details: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03895320?term=american+indian&draw=7&rank=53
Make sure to also check out our regularly updated Google Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r?tab=rc
CLIMB. Thursday, November 18. 5:30 – 8:30 PM

Join us for the 4th annual CLIMB Awards – Cincinnati Lifts Inclusion and Minority Business powered by the Cincinnati Business Courier & the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber.
Wolfe Research Virtual Healthcare Conference 2021: Wednesday, November 17 – Thursday, November 18, 2021

The healthcare team of Tim Anderson (Global Pharma), Justin Lake (Facilities/MCOs) and Andrew Galler (Biotechnology) is pleased to announce our 3rd Annual Wolfe Research Healthcare Conference. Our two-day conference will provide investors access to premier companies, unique panels, and key decision makers in the healthcare sectors. Companies in attendance will come from a variety of healthcare subsectors including: Healthcare Services, Global Pharma & Biotechnology.
Medica 2021: Dusseldorf, Germany. November 15th-18th, 2021

Piper Sandler 33rd Annual Virtual Healthcare Conference: New York, November 30th – December 2nd, 2021.
Piper Sandler conferences and events are by invitation only. If you wish to attend, please contact your Piper Sandler representative.
Canaccord Genuity 3rd Annual Health and Wellness Conference on November 16, 2021.

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