Written by Heather Centorbi
The Advancing Healthcare Innovation Summit (AHIS) will take place September 17-18 virtually and in-person at The Graduate Hotel in the Cincinnati Innovation District in Cincinnati, Ohio. The conference aims to provide a platform to stakeholders in healthcare innovation to network and exchange knowledge and ideas while collaborating to bring monumental changes to improve health and reduce disparities. This year’s event will focus on “Using Innovation to Reduce Disparities in Healthcare.” The Cincinnati Innovation District is a coveted area.
About the Cincinnati Innovation District
The Cincinnati Innovation District is powered by the University of Cincinnati. It was formally named on March 6, 2020 and has a mission to accelerate the number of STEM graduates by 15,000 and research by more than $2B. The district is also home to industry partners who co-located to the area to assist with talent output and collaboration. Gaining access to talent is a pressing challenge that the Cincinnati Innovation District hopes to help solve.
Talent is attracted to innovation and companies are attracted to areas who have access to those who have the talent. “Talent has choices and Cincinnati is that choice,” says David J. Adams, Chief Innovation Officer, UC. With a leadership counsel led by Lieutenant Governor, John Husted, and UC President, Neville Pinto, they are helping to continue to develop this innovation ecosystem.
Registration is now open for AHIS. View the program here and register to attend here.